Terms and conditions July 2024
Privacy policy July 2024
Terms and conditions Danshuis Haarlem
The Qualification Scheme for Dance / Ballet Schools of Dansbelang NBDO. The Dutch version of these conditions is always leading in case of ambiguities.
1. These general terms and conditions apply to all agreements and / or activities, regardless of the location where they are performed, of Danshuis Haarlem, hereinafter referred to as dance studio.
2. By signing the registration form, the student fully agrees to these general terms and conditions.
3. Students in the dance studio must adhere to the house rules and follow the instructions of the management and / or the staff of the dance studio.
4. If a lesson of part of the lessons cannot take place due to circumstances, including measures by the government, in another form that must be started, all this at the sole discretion of the Dance Studio, this will remain a fully-fledged performance of a lesson / the lessons as offered by the Dance Studio. This possible change therefore does not entitle you to a refund of the tuition fees. In that case, a lesson / lessons are offered and given in 1 of the 3 following forms: online, partly online / partly physically inside and / outside (hybrid), or entirely physically inside and / outside (real-life ).
1. Registration is done by completely filling in and sending the registration form.
2. By signing the registration form, the student declares to agree to the general terms and conditions.
3. When registering a minor student, a parent or legal representative must sign.
4. Registrations will be processed in order of receipt of payment. If there is place, Danshuis Haarlem will send a confirmation by email, along with a bill for the course fee. Danshuis Haarlem will contact you if it is not yet certain whether the course will continue or if the course is full. If necessary, the student can be placed on a waiting list.
5. Registration is valid for the duration of the season (September to June) and can be entered at any time.
6. If enrolled later in the season, the course fee will be calculated pro rata. If placed after 1 January, the course fee will be charged in one installment until the end of the season.
7. If there is enough space in a course, a trial lesson can be done. This is without obligation. To continue the course, registration within 1 week after the trial lesson is requierd. In case of not register, there is no payment requierd for the trial lesson.
8. The agreement expires at the end of the season. You have to register over again for each season.
9. Cancellation must be submitted in writing or by email and commences on the first day of the next calendar month. The student remains obliged to pay the full course fee for that season at all times.
10. After termination of the agreement, any outstanding installments remain due and must be paid immediately.
Billing and Payment
1. After registration, the student owes the full course fee. Payment of the course fees should preferably be paid by (SEPA) direct debit. When registering for a course, permission for direct debit (SEPA) must be given on the registration form. Otherwise, the course fee must be transferred at least 1 week before the start of the course.
2. Partial payment is possible.
3. With monthly payments, direct debit is mandatory. The course fees are collected at the beginning of each month from the specified account number. The first collection takes place within 1 month after registration.
4. The student must ensure that there is sufficient balance available to collect the course fees. In the event of a reversal, € 5,- administration costs will be charged.
5. The dance studio reserves the right to unilaterally adjust the course fees annually.
6. The dance studio is authorized to deny the student access to the dance studio in the event of non-payment and / or misbehavior. This does not affect the participant's obligation to fulfill the agreement.
7. Invoices are sent digitally, unless otherwise agreed.
Opening hours and timetable
1. The dance studio is open from the first week of September to the last week of June. The dance studio is closed during July and August. If a summer timetable / program is offered during that period, these lessons will fall outside the usual course fees.
2. As long as the threat of the Corona virus remains, the season will start earlier, ie the end of August, and possibly longer, until the beginning or mid-July. The number of classes per season remains the same.
3. Classes will be given according to the timetable as published by the dance studio on its website. The class times can also be found on the timetable, which is available for inspection in the dance studio.
4. The timetable is fixed for the period from September to June. The dance studio reserves the right to change the timetable / teaching hours in the meantime.
5. During regular school holidays and on public holidays there are no classes and the dance studio is closed. If workshops are organized during holidays, these workshops are not covered by course fees.
6. The dance studio reserves the right to close the dance studio with a maximum of 5 days per season (from September to June, excluding public holidays), without refund of course fees.
Cannot attend a class
1. If the student is unable to attend, the student must inform the dance studio. This can be done by telephone or e-mail.
2. Missing a lesson, for whatever reason, never entitles you to a refund of the fee.
3. If the student is unable to attend, this lesson can be made up at another time if possible, in consultation.
Lesson expired / Lesson dropout
1. The dance studio may cancel a lesson if there are good reasons for this, such as too few students, (long-term) illness of the teacher, force majeure, etc.
2. In case of illness or absence of the teacher, the first thing to be looked for is replacement, after which an attempt will be made to reschedule the lesson. If this is not possible, the lesson will be canceled. The student will be informed of this (if available) by telephone or e-mail. Information can also be shared via a Whatsapp group and / or mentioned on the Facebook page and / or website.
3. If class (es) cannot take place due to the illness of the teacher or any other reason on the side of the dance studio, the dance studio will endeavor to offer the student a replacement class. Failure to use this replacement lesson does not lead to a refund of course fees. If no replacement lesson is offered, the student - if more than two lessons are canceled - is entitled to a refund of the course fee, in proportion to the number of lessons that have lapsed.
Risk and liability
1. The dance studio does not accept any liability for damage, loss or theft of the students' belongings.
2. Participation in the lesson is entirely at the student's own risk.
3. The Dance Studio is not liable for injuries sustained during, before or after classes, performances, demonstrations, etc.
4. The course participant is aware that practicing dance entails risks and that he / she takes any (consequential) damage that may arise as a result of the practice at his own risk. The student will also indemnify the dance studio against claims from third parties in this regard.
5. As far as the student knows, there are no medical issues that pose a risk when participating. Also, exercise / sports or certain exercise / sports is not advised against by a (para) medic. Insofar as this is the case, the participant will report this to the teacher.
6. A visit to the dance studio is entirely at your own risk. The (management of the) dance studio is not liable for injury and / or damage of any kind as a result of the stay and / or activities of the student on the grounds of or in the dance studio.
7. Should the Dansstudio be liable for any reason, this liability is limited to the amount that is covered or paid out in the relevant case by the liability insurance of the dance studio, plus the deductible that the dance studio bears under that insurance.
Dress Code
1. The dance studio has specific dress codes.
2. The dance studio invites students to dress appropriately and decently.
3. If the dance studio uses dress codes for certain courses / lessons, these will be published by the dance studio on the website or stated when registering. It will also be indicated by the teacher in class.
4. Students are obliged to follow the dress code. If a student does not comply with the dress code, to be judged by the management or the teacher of the dance studio, the dance studio is entitled to deny the student access to the lesson. Such denial of access does not give rise to a refund of course fees or to termination of the teaching contract.
Film, photo or sound recordings
1. It is not allowed to make film, photo or sound recordings during lessons and / or performances / demonstrations / performances, without the permission of the dance studio.
2. Rights to (teaching) methods, choreographies and other substantive or artistic products developed by the dance studio belong to the dance studio.
3. It is prohibited to use teaching material or choreographies during and / or after any (commercial) use or to transfer them to third parties, unless paragraph 4 of this article applies. In the event of a violation of this prohibition, the (former) student commits to paying a fine of € 1,000 per violation at the dance studio, plus € 500 per day that the violation continues. This does not affect further liability for damage, loss of income, etc. as a result of the violation.
4. The (commercial) use or use of teaching material / choreographies is only permitted with the written permission of the dance studio.
5. In case of violation, access to the dance studio can be denied.
1. It is not allowed to enter the dance hall with shoes that have been worn outside. These shoes should be removed before entering the dance sudio. This also applies to visitors.
2. Participants must ensure that they observe personal hygiene at all times.
3. Damage to property (movable and immovable property) of the dance studio caused by a participant / visitor will be recovered at all times.
4. By signing the registration form, the student agrees to the processing of the personal data for the execution of the agreement.
Legal application
1. These terms and conditions and all agreements entered into by or with Danshuis Haarlem are exclusively governed by Dutch law.
2. By registering, the participant declares to accept the general terms and conditions and the house rules of Danshuis Haarlem.
Additional conditions Talent development
selection group, kids pre-education, pre-education and Semi-Pro class
Registration and placement
1. A pupil may be chosen for the selection group, kids pre-education, pre-education or semi-pro-class after successfully doing an audition.
2. If a student wishes to participate in the Talent development he/she is required to have a medical examination by a physiotherapist and a member of the Talent development.
3. The student may begin after a successful audition. The registration is valid for the entire season, which lasts from September to June.
4. The training consists essentially of a multi-annual program. After each season examines whether the pupil can (and would like to) continue into the next year..
The rates for the Talent development are listed on the website.
Payment Methods
1. Full Payment (directly at registration)
2. Payment in 3 installments
3. payment per month (only possible with direct debit authorization)
By a lump-sum payment, the student is entitled to a discount. Students who attend the training several years, receive an incremental discount: 2% for the 2nd year; 4% for the 3rd year; 6% for the 4th year; 8% for 5th and 10% for the 6th year.
Privacy policy
The General Data Protection Regulation (dutch) (AVG in The Netherlands) will apply as from 25 May 2018. That is why this Privacy Statement complements our General Terms and Conditions.
In brief
Danshuis Haarlem is committed to keeping the storage of personal data to a minimum. That is why we do not collect data when visiting our website. We make every effort to optimally protect the data of our pupils, employees and relations and to keep them for longer than strictly necessary. Only for the processing of the financial administration we share the most necessary data with our accountancy firm and the tax authorities, never with third parties. We always request your permission before processing image material. You have the right to revise personal data.
Contact details
Danshuis Haarlem Klein Heiligland 84 2011 EJ Haarlem 023 8445375
Rob Kievits is the Data Protection Officer at Danshuis Haarlem and can be contacted via the e-mail address of Danshuis Haarlem
Personal data that we process
Danshuis Haarlem processes your personal data because you use our services and / or because you provide them yourself. Below is an overview of the personal data we process:
- First and last name
- Date of birth
- Address data
- Phone number
- E-mail address
- Bank account number
- Appointment of account holder
- Imagery
Pictures of our performances, lessons and activities can be recorded, as a reference book for the pupils or in support of an artistic process. For this, permission is requested upon registration.
Special and / or sensitive personal data that we process
Our website and / or service does not intend to collect data about website visitors who are younger than 16 years. Unless they have permission from parents or guardians. However, we can not check if a visitor is older than 16. We encourage parents to be involved in the online activities of their children, in order to prevent data about children being collected without parental consent. If you are convinced that we have collected personal information about a minor without this permission, please contact us and we will delete this information.
For what purpose and on what basis we process personal data
Danshuis Haarlem processes your personal data for the following purposes:
- Handling your payment
- You can call or e-mail if necessary to carry out our services
- inform you about changes to our services and products
- To deliver goods and services to you
- Danshuis Haarlem also processes personal data if we are legally obliged to do so, such as information that we need for our tax return.
Automated decision-making
Danshuis Haarlem does not take decisions based on automated processing on matters that can have (significant) consequences for people. These are decisions taken by computer programs or systems, without a person (such as a member of Danshuis Haarlem) involved.
Danshuis Haarlem uses the following computer programs or systems:
Google suite, a business cloud data storage service, forms and documents. Every authorized employee of Danshuis Haarlem always has the latest information available, so that communication can take place quickly. In order to guarantee the security of personal data, Danshuis Haarlem has concluded a Data Processing Amendment with Google Suite.
How long we store personal data
Danshuis Haarlem does not store your personal data longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the goals for which they were obtained. We use a retention period of a maximum of 1 year after the end of the agreement for personal data that we process, exclusively for administrative processing. We are required to keep the bank number and ascription for 7 years by operation of law.
Sharing personal data with third parties
Danshuis Haarlem never sells personal data to third parties and only provides this information if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation. With companies that process your data in our order, we conclude a processor agreement to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. Danshuis Haarlem remains responsible for these processing operations. Danshuis Haarlem is not liable for visual material made, shared or published by students themselves or third parties.
Cookies, or similar techniques, that we use
Danshuis Haarlem makes no conscious use of cookies or similar techniques on the website.
View, modify or delete data
You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by Danshuis Haarlem and you have the right to data portability.
How we protect personal data
Danshuis Haarlem takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification. If you have the impression that your data is not secure or there are indications of abuse, please contact on. Danshuis Haarlem has taken the following measures to protect your personal data:
- Security software, such as a virus scanner and firewall.
- TLS (formerly SSL) We send your data via a secure
Internet connection. You can see this at the address bar 'https' and the padlock in the address bar.
-DKIM, SPF and DMARC are three Internet standards that we use to prevent you from receiving e-mails on our behalf that contain viruses, are spam or are intended to obtain personal (login) data.
Can Danshuis Haarlem change this privacy policy?
Yes, Danshuis Haarlem reserves the right to change this privacy policy. The current applicable privacy policy is displayed on this website.
Privacy policy July 2024
Terms and conditions Danshuis Haarlem
The Qualification Scheme for Dance / Ballet Schools of Dansbelang NBDO. The Dutch version of these conditions is always leading in case of ambiguities.
1. These general terms and conditions apply to all agreements and / or activities, regardless of the location where they are performed, of Danshuis Haarlem, hereinafter referred to as dance studio.
2. By signing the registration form, the student fully agrees to these general terms and conditions.
3. Students in the dance studio must adhere to the house rules and follow the instructions of the management and / or the staff of the dance studio.
4. If a lesson of part of the lessons cannot take place due to circumstances, including measures by the government, in another form that must be started, all this at the sole discretion of the Dance Studio, this will remain a fully-fledged performance of a lesson / the lessons as offered by the Dance Studio. This possible change therefore does not entitle you to a refund of the tuition fees. In that case, a lesson / lessons are offered and given in 1 of the 3 following forms: online, partly online / partly physically inside and / outside (hybrid), or entirely physically inside and / outside (real-life ).
1. Registration is done by completely filling in and sending the registration form.
2. By signing the registration form, the student declares to agree to the general terms and conditions.
3. When registering a minor student, a parent or legal representative must sign.
4. Registrations will be processed in order of receipt of payment. If there is place, Danshuis Haarlem will send a confirmation by email, along with a bill for the course fee. Danshuis Haarlem will contact you if it is not yet certain whether the course will continue or if the course is full. If necessary, the student can be placed on a waiting list.
5. Registration is valid for the duration of the season (September to June) and can be entered at any time.
6. If enrolled later in the season, the course fee will be calculated pro rata. If placed after 1 January, the course fee will be charged in one installment until the end of the season.
7. If there is enough space in a course, a trial lesson can be done. This is without obligation. To continue the course, registration within 1 week after the trial lesson is requierd. In case of not register, there is no payment requierd for the trial lesson.
8. The agreement expires at the end of the season. You have to register over again for each season.
9. Cancellation must be submitted in writing or by email and commences on the first day of the next calendar month. The student remains obliged to pay the full course fee for that season at all times.
10. After termination of the agreement, any outstanding installments remain due and must be paid immediately.
Billing and Payment
1. After registration, the student owes the full course fee. Payment of the course fees should preferably be paid by (SEPA) direct debit. When registering for a course, permission for direct debit (SEPA) must be given on the registration form. Otherwise, the course fee must be transferred at least 1 week before the start of the course.
2. Partial payment is possible.
3. With monthly payments, direct debit is mandatory. The course fees are collected at the beginning of each month from the specified account number. The first collection takes place within 1 month after registration.
4. The student must ensure that there is sufficient balance available to collect the course fees. In the event of a reversal, € 5,- administration costs will be charged.
5. The dance studio reserves the right to unilaterally adjust the course fees annually.
6. The dance studio is authorized to deny the student access to the dance studio in the event of non-payment and / or misbehavior. This does not affect the participant's obligation to fulfill the agreement.
7. Invoices are sent digitally, unless otherwise agreed.
Opening hours and timetable
1. The dance studio is open from the first week of September to the last week of June. The dance studio is closed during July and August. If a summer timetable / program is offered during that period, these lessons will fall outside the usual course fees.
2. As long as the threat of the Corona virus remains, the season will start earlier, ie the end of August, and possibly longer, until the beginning or mid-July. The number of classes per season remains the same.
3. Classes will be given according to the timetable as published by the dance studio on its website. The class times can also be found on the timetable, which is available for inspection in the dance studio.
4. The timetable is fixed for the period from September to June. The dance studio reserves the right to change the timetable / teaching hours in the meantime.
5. During regular school holidays and on public holidays there are no classes and the dance studio is closed. If workshops are organized during holidays, these workshops are not covered by course fees.
6. The dance studio reserves the right to close the dance studio with a maximum of 5 days per season (from September to June, excluding public holidays), without refund of course fees.
Cannot attend a class
1. If the student is unable to attend, the student must inform the dance studio. This can be done by telephone or e-mail.
2. Missing a lesson, for whatever reason, never entitles you to a refund of the fee.
3. If the student is unable to attend, this lesson can be made up at another time if possible, in consultation.
Lesson expired / Lesson dropout
1. The dance studio may cancel a lesson if there are good reasons for this, such as too few students, (long-term) illness of the teacher, force majeure, etc.
2. In case of illness or absence of the teacher, the first thing to be looked for is replacement, after which an attempt will be made to reschedule the lesson. If this is not possible, the lesson will be canceled. The student will be informed of this (if available) by telephone or e-mail. Information can also be shared via a Whatsapp group and / or mentioned on the Facebook page and / or website.
3. If class (es) cannot take place due to the illness of the teacher or any other reason on the side of the dance studio, the dance studio will endeavor to offer the student a replacement class. Failure to use this replacement lesson does not lead to a refund of course fees. If no replacement lesson is offered, the student - if more than two lessons are canceled - is entitled to a refund of the course fee, in proportion to the number of lessons that have lapsed.
Risk and liability
1. The dance studio does not accept any liability for damage, loss or theft of the students' belongings.
2. Participation in the lesson is entirely at the student's own risk.
3. The Dance Studio is not liable for injuries sustained during, before or after classes, performances, demonstrations, etc.
4. The course participant is aware that practicing dance entails risks and that he / she takes any (consequential) damage that may arise as a result of the practice at his own risk. The student will also indemnify the dance studio against claims from third parties in this regard.
5. As far as the student knows, there are no medical issues that pose a risk when participating. Also, exercise / sports or certain exercise / sports is not advised against by a (para) medic. Insofar as this is the case, the participant will report this to the teacher.
6. A visit to the dance studio is entirely at your own risk. The (management of the) dance studio is not liable for injury and / or damage of any kind as a result of the stay and / or activities of the student on the grounds of or in the dance studio.
7. Should the Dansstudio be liable for any reason, this liability is limited to the amount that is covered or paid out in the relevant case by the liability insurance of the dance studio, plus the deductible that the dance studio bears under that insurance.
Dress Code
1. The dance studio has specific dress codes.
2. The dance studio invites students to dress appropriately and decently.
3. If the dance studio uses dress codes for certain courses / lessons, these will be published by the dance studio on the website or stated when registering. It will also be indicated by the teacher in class.
4. Students are obliged to follow the dress code. If a student does not comply with the dress code, to be judged by the management or the teacher of the dance studio, the dance studio is entitled to deny the student access to the lesson. Such denial of access does not give rise to a refund of course fees or to termination of the teaching contract.
Film, photo or sound recordings
1. It is not allowed to make film, photo or sound recordings during lessons and / or performances / demonstrations / performances, without the permission of the dance studio.
2. Rights to (teaching) methods, choreographies and other substantive or artistic products developed by the dance studio belong to the dance studio.
3. It is prohibited to use teaching material or choreographies during and / or after any (commercial) use or to transfer them to third parties, unless paragraph 4 of this article applies. In the event of a violation of this prohibition, the (former) student commits to paying a fine of € 1,000 per violation at the dance studio, plus € 500 per day that the violation continues. This does not affect further liability for damage, loss of income, etc. as a result of the violation.
4. The (commercial) use or use of teaching material / choreographies is only permitted with the written permission of the dance studio.
5. In case of violation, access to the dance studio can be denied.
1. It is not allowed to enter the dance hall with shoes that have been worn outside. These shoes should be removed before entering the dance sudio. This also applies to visitors.
2. Participants must ensure that they observe personal hygiene at all times.
3. Damage to property (movable and immovable property) of the dance studio caused by a participant / visitor will be recovered at all times.
4. By signing the registration form, the student agrees to the processing of the personal data for the execution of the agreement.
Legal application
1. These terms and conditions and all agreements entered into by or with Danshuis Haarlem are exclusively governed by Dutch law.
2. By registering, the participant declares to accept the general terms and conditions and the house rules of Danshuis Haarlem.
Additional conditions Talent development
selection group, kids pre-education, pre-education and Semi-Pro class
Registration and placement
1. A pupil may be chosen for the selection group, kids pre-education, pre-education or semi-pro-class after successfully doing an audition.
2. If a student wishes to participate in the Talent development he/she is required to have a medical examination by a physiotherapist and a member of the Talent development.
3. The student may begin after a successful audition. The registration is valid for the entire season, which lasts from September to June.
4. The training consists essentially of a multi-annual program. After each season examines whether the pupil can (and would like to) continue into the next year..
The rates for the Talent development are listed on the website.
Payment Methods
1. Full Payment (directly at registration)
2. Payment in 3 installments
3. payment per month (only possible with direct debit authorization)
By a lump-sum payment, the student is entitled to a discount. Students who attend the training several years, receive an incremental discount: 2% for the 2nd year; 4% for the 3rd year; 6% for the 4th year; 8% for 5th and 10% for the 6th year.
Privacy policy
The General Data Protection Regulation (dutch) (AVG in The Netherlands) will apply as from 25 May 2018. That is why this Privacy Statement complements our General Terms and Conditions.
In brief
Danshuis Haarlem is committed to keeping the storage of personal data to a minimum. That is why we do not collect data when visiting our website. We make every effort to optimally protect the data of our pupils, employees and relations and to keep them for longer than strictly necessary. Only for the processing of the financial administration we share the most necessary data with our accountancy firm and the tax authorities, never with third parties. We always request your permission before processing image material. You have the right to revise personal data.
Contact details
Danshuis Haarlem Klein Heiligland 84 2011 EJ Haarlem 023 8445375
Rob Kievits is the Data Protection Officer at Danshuis Haarlem and can be contacted via the e-mail address of Danshuis Haarlem
Personal data that we process
Danshuis Haarlem processes your personal data because you use our services and / or because you provide them yourself. Below is an overview of the personal data we process:
- First and last name
- Date of birth
- Address data
- Phone number
- E-mail address
- Bank account number
- Appointment of account holder
- Imagery
Pictures of our performances, lessons and activities can be recorded, as a reference book for the pupils or in support of an artistic process. For this, permission is requested upon registration.
Special and / or sensitive personal data that we process
Our website and / or service does not intend to collect data about website visitors who are younger than 16 years. Unless they have permission from parents or guardians. However, we can not check if a visitor is older than 16. We encourage parents to be involved in the online activities of their children, in order to prevent data about children being collected without parental consent. If you are convinced that we have collected personal information about a minor without this permission, please contact us and we will delete this information.
For what purpose and on what basis we process personal data
Danshuis Haarlem processes your personal data for the following purposes:
- Handling your payment
- You can call or e-mail if necessary to carry out our services
- inform you about changes to our services and products
- To deliver goods and services to you
- Danshuis Haarlem also processes personal data if we are legally obliged to do so, such as information that we need for our tax return.
Automated decision-making
Danshuis Haarlem does not take decisions based on automated processing on matters that can have (significant) consequences for people. These are decisions taken by computer programs or systems, without a person (such as a member of Danshuis Haarlem) involved.
Danshuis Haarlem uses the following computer programs or systems:
Google suite, a business cloud data storage service, forms and documents. Every authorized employee of Danshuis Haarlem always has the latest information available, so that communication can take place quickly. In order to guarantee the security of personal data, Danshuis Haarlem has concluded a Data Processing Amendment with Google Suite.
How long we store personal data
Danshuis Haarlem does not store your personal data longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the goals for which they were obtained. We use a retention period of a maximum of 1 year after the end of the agreement for personal data that we process, exclusively for administrative processing. We are required to keep the bank number and ascription for 7 years by operation of law.
Sharing personal data with third parties
Danshuis Haarlem never sells personal data to third parties and only provides this information if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation. With companies that process your data in our order, we conclude a processor agreement to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. Danshuis Haarlem remains responsible for these processing operations. Danshuis Haarlem is not liable for visual material made, shared or published by students themselves or third parties.
Cookies, or similar techniques, that we use
Danshuis Haarlem makes no conscious use of cookies or similar techniques on the website.
View, modify or delete data
You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by Danshuis Haarlem and you have the right to data portability.
How we protect personal data
Danshuis Haarlem takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification. If you have the impression that your data is not secure or there are indications of abuse, please contact on. Danshuis Haarlem has taken the following measures to protect your personal data:
- Security software, such as a virus scanner and firewall.
- TLS (formerly SSL) We send your data via a secure
Internet connection. You can see this at the address bar 'https' and the padlock in the address bar.
-DKIM, SPF and DMARC are three Internet standards that we use to prevent you from receiving e-mails on our behalf that contain viruses, are spam or are intended to obtain personal (login) data.
Can Danshuis Haarlem change this privacy policy?
Yes, Danshuis Haarlem reserves the right to change this privacy policy. The current applicable privacy policy is displayed on this website.